Electronic Money and Relevant Legal and Regulatory
Issues The advent of
electronic payment can be traced back to 1918, when the Federal Reserve
banks of the USA first moved currency via telegraph.3
Electronic payment systems exist in a variety of forms which can be
divided into two groups: wholesale payment systems and retail payment
systems. Wholesale payment systems exist for non-consumer transactions,
high-value wholesale payments flow through the three major interbank
funds transfer systems: CHIPS,4 SWIFT5
and Fedwire.6 Retail electronic payment systems encompass
those transactions involving consumers. These transactions involve the
use of such payment mechanisms as credit cards, automated teller machines
(ATMs), debit cards, point-of-sale (POS) terminals, home banking, and
telephone bill-paying services. Payments for these mechanisms are conducted
online and flow through the check truncation system7 and the ACH.8
A number of innovations are taking place in the area of retail electronic
payments known as electronic money (e-money). These innovations, which
are still at a relatively early stage of development, have the potential
to challenge the predominant role of cash for making small-value payments
and could make retail transactions easier and cheaper for consumers
and merchants. It has been suggested
that e-money is likely to “lead to a new concept of pocket money, give
birth to a new commercial payment system for the Internet, change the
way governments pay out benefits electronically, and revolutionize the
movement of value over telephone lines and airwaves.?9
The use of e-money in low-value, high-volume transactions opens up a
wide variety of new services and changes the way in which old ones can
be delivered. However, it seems that e-money products have not yet gained
wide acceptance, the reaction to these products around the world has
been lukewarm so far. It appears that e-money is ahead of customer demand,
for the present time at least. This is due to some concerns about e-money,
such as security, privacy and some other issues. The development
of innovative e-money raises numerous legal and regulatory issues that
must be addressed. These include finding acceptable methods for authentication
and protection of information, accommodating the special needs of law
enforcement, and creating the requisite means of settling disputes.
This article identifies some key issues raised surrounding e-money and
proposes strategies for regulatory control. Part two introduces e-money
and its features as well as its impacts on banks. Part three and part
four discuss respectively the legal issues on issuing, using and regulating
e-money. Part five concludes with some suggestions. Money is a medium
that people are willing to accept for the goods, securities, and services
that they sell. Money serves three purposes.10
First, as just mentioned, it serves as a medium of exchange. Second,
as a standard of value, it serves as a measure for the value of a good
or service and thus provides a standard for making comparisons between
different goods and services. Finally, it functions as a store of value,
thus it can be saved and used in the future. In order to realize
its three functions, money possesses certain characteristics which allow
it to enable transactions. First, it must be durable to function as
a store of value. In other words, when money is not spent, it is retrievable.
However, if it is destroyed, stolen, or otherwise lost, it is not replaceable.
Second, it must be difficult for individuals to create or counterfeit
money. Public trust in money's legitimacy is an essential element of
its successful use as a medium of exchange. Third, it must be widely
accepted. The larger the community of users who trust and accept money,
the more that its value as a medium of exchange is increased. Finally,
when it is exchanged, there is anonymity.11
2. What is
electronic money? E-banking as
well as e-money are rather generic terms and we need to specify what
we are talking about. It is well accepted that e-banking can be separated
into two streams: one is e-money products, mainly in the form of stored
value products, the other is electronic delivery channel products or
access products. The latter are products that allow consumers to use
electronic means of communication to access conventional payment services,
for example, use of a standard personal computer and a computer network
such as the Internet to make a credit card payment or to transmit instructions
to make funds transfers between bank accounts. The significant novel
feature of these access schemes is the communication method and so they
do not raise the same concerns as e-money schemes and are not considered
further in this article. As e-money is still at the early stage of development, there is still no unified definition of e-money. Different person even different bodies have described and categorized e-money products in different ways. The European Commission defined electronic money in its Draft Directive as:12 a. Stored electronically on an electronic device such as a chip card or a computer memory; b. Accepted as means of payment by undertakings other than the issuing institution; c. Generated in order to be put at the disposal of users to serve as an electronic surrogate for coins and banknotes; and d. Generated
for the purpose of effecting electronic transfers of limited value payments. The Consumer
Advisory Board of the Federal Reserve Board of the USA described that
e-money is money that moves electronically. It can be carried on the
persons in the form of a smart card or stored-value cards or electronic
wallets. It can be used at the point of sale or it can be used person-to-person
directly without the intervention of any outside entity. It can be moved
around or spent through telephone lines to banks or other provides or
issuers. It can also be moved around or spent through links with interactive
cable television and personal computers.13 From the above
definition and description, we can conclude that e-money is a "stored-value"
or "prepaid" payment mechanism in which a record of the funds
or "value" available to a consumer is stored on an electronic
device in the consumer's possession. The electronic value is purchased
by the consumer and is reduced whenever it is transferred directly to
other devices, or the consumer uses the device to make purchases via
point of sale terminals or over open computer networks such as the Internet.
In contrast to the many existing single-purpose prepaid card schemes
(such as prepaid telephone cards), e-money products are intended to
be used as a general, multipurpose means of payment. It is clear that
e-money includes both prepaid cards (sometimes called “smart cards? or
“electronic purses? and prepaid software products that use computer networks
such as the Internet (sometimes referred to as “digital cash?. The most
common e-money products are card-based products, industry leaders in
this sector being Mondex and VISA Cash. While the Dutch company Digicash
first pioneered the software approach. There have been dozens of other
e-money products and systems introduced to the public, such as CyberCash,
Millicent, Proton, PayPal, eMoneyMail, BillPoint, Payme.com, PayTrust
and Propay.14 Although each of them has some different features,
they can be included in the above-said two general categories. While
each of these products are efficient and innovative, however, so far,
most have attracted customers only in limited consumer and business
applications. So, I would like to describe below briefly how the major
e-money products work. Mondex was initially
invented in 1990 and based in London, it is currently under development
in more than 75 countries around the world. It contains a microprocessor
chip that could hold and transfer electronic value. By utilising bearer
certificates, funds deposited are remotely stored on the users actual
card, which is not linked to any central account. In addition, the electronic
wallet that accompanied the card allows the value on the card to be
transferred from person-to-person indefinitely without any central verification
or clearing requirement, making it the closest in operation to real
cash. It also has the additional ability to store the recent payment
history.15 The Visa Cash
is similar to Mondex. However Visa Cash payments are routed through
a central facility and cannot be transferred from card to card with
the same degree of ease. One major point in its favour is its appeal
to banks as it allows them to earn float income, therefore Visa Cash
is more attractive from a purely commercial point of view.16 The Digicash
Company was based in the Netherlands after being established in 1990
by David Chaum.17 The e-money product of the company was called
“eCash? To use eCash, an account should be established at a DigiCash-licensed
bank with real money. Once established, the customer can withdraw eCash that is stored on the user computer's hard drive.
Using proprietary software, eCash can be spent with an Internet merchant or with
anyone else whose computer is set up to deal in eCash.
However all such transactions must be made through an intermediary bank.
One of the cornerstones of the Digicash system is its insistence on
the maintenance of privacy. The system uses “blind signatures?as the
way for the issuing bank to certify each token it issues. The actual
process requires the customer, not the bank, to generate the eCash token.
The customer creates blank tokens and forwards them (hidden in a digital
envelope) to the bank for certification. The bank stamps its signature
on each token, debits the customers account and sends the token back
over the Internet.18 So the digital tokens can be registered and
verified by the issuer without revealing to whom it was originally issued.
In effect, these digital cash transactions are capable of being as anonymous
as cash. Because the system is software based, it is therefore relatively
easy to duplicate certified eCash tokens. Therefore to guard against
this, any eCash presented for payment is crosschecked with the central
registrar to ensure it has not already been spent. It seems it is impractical
for most merchants and customers and this has limited its application
in the market. With regard to
their potential use and growth, card-based products are being designed
to facilitate small-value payments in face-to-face retail transactions
and would therefore constitute a close substitute for banknotes and
coin. While software-based schemes would be used to make remote payments
over computer networks, primarily the Internet. They are likely to substitute
for both cash and, to some extent, other cashless payment instruments
such as cheques and funds transfers. 3. The key features of e-money In general, e-money
should be characterized as a substitute for currency. As mentioned above,
it is a replacement for currency as well as other payment mechanisms
such as checks, credit cards, traveler's checks, and debit cards. The
key features of e-money are as follows: Firstly, e-money
value is stored electronically on an electronic device, although different
products differ in their technical implementation. To store the prepaid
value, card-based schemes involve a specialised and portable computer
hardware device, typically a microprocessor chip embedded in a plastic
card, while software-based schemes use specialised software installed
on a standard personal computer. Secondly, e-money
value is transferred electronically in different ways. Some e-money
schemes allow transfers of electronic balances directly from one consumer
to another without any involvement of a third party such as the issuer
of the electronic value. More usually, the only payments allowed are
those from consumers to merchants, and the merchants in turn have to
redeem the value recorded. Thirdly, related
to transferability is the extent to which transactions are recorded.
Most schemes register some details of transactions between consumers
and merchants in a central database, which could then be monitored.
In cases where direct consumer-to-consumer transactions are allowed,
these can only be recorded on consumers' own storage devices and can
be monitored centrally only when the consumer contacts the e-money scheme
operator. Fourthly, the
number of participants and parties functionally involved in e-money
transactions tends to be greater than in conventional transactions.
Typically, four types of service provider will be involved in the operation
of an e-money scheme: the issuers of the e-money value, the network
operators, the vendors of specialised hardware and software and the
clearers of e-money transactions. The issuers are the most important
providers, while the network operators and vendors only supply technical
services, and clearing institutions are typically banks or specialised
bank-owned companies that provide a service that is no different from
that provided for other cashless payment instruments. Finally, technical hitches and human errors may hinder or prevent the execution of a transaction to a degree not commonly experienced in relation to paper based transactions. 4. The impacts
of e-money on banks Electronic payment
media are likely to figure importantly in the development of electronic
commerce, and retail electronic banking services and products, including
e-money, could provide significant new opportunities for banks. E-banking
and e-money may allow banks to expand their markets for traditional
deposit-taking and credit extension activities, and to offer new products
and services or strengthen their competitive position in offering existing
payment services. In addition, e-banking and e-money could reduce operating
costs for banks. More broadly,
the continued development of e-banking and e-money may contribute to
improving the efficiency of the banking and payment system and to reducing
the cost of retail transactions nationally and internationally. This
could potentially result in gains in productivity and economic welfare.
It is estimated that an ATM transaction costs about $0.27, a teller
generated transaction in a financial institution costs about $1.07,19
and the average cost of swiping a credit card ranges from $0.08 to $0.15.20
While the cost of dipping a smart card, which requires no closed proprietary
or open network to transmit its electrons from chip to chip, is less
than $0.01, it is widely believed that software-based transactions will
cost even less. Moreover, banks pay for their ATMs, and consumers pay
for their PCs.21 In addition,
e-banks are easy to set up so lots of new entrants will arrive. ‘Old-world?
systems, cultures and structures will not encumber these new entrants.
Instead, they will be adaptable and responsive. Therefore, e-banking
gives consumers much more choice. Consumers and merchants may be able
to increase the efficiency and enjoy greater convenience. E-money may
also increase access to the financial system for consumers who have
previously found access limited. However, the
development of e-banking and e-money is also a new challenge to traditional
banks. As mentioned above, e-money transactions are much cheaper than
ever. This could turn yesterday’s competitive advantage (a large branch
network) into a comparative disadvantage, allowing e-banks to undercut
bricks-and-mortar banks. On the other hand, e-banking will lead to an
erosion of the ‘endowment effect?currently enjoyed by the major traditional
banks. Deposits will go elsewhere with the consequence that these banks
will have to fight to regain and retain their customer base. This will
increase their cost of funds, possibly making their business less viable.
Lost revenue may even result in these banks taking more risks to breach
the gap. Portal providers are likely to attract the most significant
share of banking profits. Furthermore,
the e-money products will be provided by monolines, experts in their
field. Traditional banks may simply be left with payment and settlement
business, even this could be cast into doubt. Traditional banks will
find it difficult to evolve. Not only will they be unable to make acquisitions
for cash as opposed to being able to offer shares, they will be unable
to obtain additional capital from the stock market. This is in contrast
to the situation for Internet firms for whom it seems relatively easy
to attract investment. Security breaches
could occur at the level of the consumer, the merchant or the issuer,
and could involve attempts to steal consumer or merchant devices, to
create fraudulent devices or messages that are accepted as genuine,
to alter data stored on or contained in messages transmitted between
devices, or to alter the software functions of a product. Security attacks
would most likely be for financial gain, but could also aim to disrupt
the system. Security breaches essentially fall into three categories:
breaches with serious criminal intent (e.g. fraud, theft of commercially
sensitive or financial information), breaches by ‘casual hackers?(e.g.
defacement of web sites or ‘denial of service?- causing web sites to
crash), and flaws in systems design and/or set up leading to security
breaches (e.g. genuine users seeing / being able to transact on other
users?accounts). All of these threats have potentially serious financial,
legal and reputational implications. Therefore, it is crucial important to assess whether the institution's proposed system is sound and the service provided through the Internet will have adequate security. Surely there no absolute security exists in either the electronic or physical world of banking. However, the level of security should be "fit for purpose". The fundamental objectives that security arrangements of e-money products should try to achieve are to:
The use of all
kinds of security tools can provide security that is comparable to that
offered in physical transactions. However, as with a physical transaction,
the effectiveness of such measures is largely dependent on their proper
implementation and the establishment of a set of comprehensive policies
and procedures that are rigorously enforced. Continuing developments
in security technology are required to maintain the effectiveness of
security measures on an ongoing basis as new threats to existing systems
arise over time. Banks should accordingly be responsible for ensuring
that they keep up with such developments on a continuing basis. Unless
they do this, their existing security measures may quickly become obsolete.
If security breaches arise from this, it would not only expose the banks
to risk of loss, but also more generally undermine the confidence of
their customers. All the evidence suggests that security is very much
at the forefront of customers' minds in deciding whether to use this
new medium.
Traditionally, central banks have four duties: they manage monetary policy, they supervise the payment system, they promulgate regulations, and, in many countries, they supervise the banking system as a whole. Each of these roles is going to be affected by the development of e-money to some extent. Main issues are related to the operation of monetary policy, seigniorage, their oversight function for payment systems and the possible financial risks borne by issuers of e-money. There are also a range of other policy issues such as consumer protection, competition, access and standards. Some of these issues are overlapped, so I would like to discuss some key concern as follows.
The most important
development in connection with e-money is a reduction in the demand
for cash. As cash circulation is a lever by which central banks can
control the money and credit expansion of private banks and hence provide
some more monetary stability, it is conceivable that a very extensive
substitution could complicate the operating procedures used by central
banks to set money market interest rates. However, since e-money is
expected to substitute mostly for cash rather than deposits, operating
techniques need not to be adjusted significantly. On the other hand,
with e-money transaction, the whole process including clearing can be
carried out in a matter of seconds. Such an acceleration in the circulation
rate amounts to an increase in the quantity of money, and increased
money circulation could lead to increased inflation. The effect on
supply would result from the impact of e-money on the size of central
bank balance sheets, which will depend on the extent that e-money substitutes
for cash. Since cash is a large or the largest component of central
bank liabilities in many countries, a very extensive spread of e-money
could shrink central bank balance sheets significantly. Since banknotes
in circulation represent non-interest-bearing central bank liabilities,
a substitution of e-money for cash would lead to a corresponding decline
in central bank asset holdings and the interest earned on these assets
that constitutes central bank seigniorage revenue. And these revenues
are large relative to central bank operating costs, as e-money developing,
the revenues could be too small to cover the cost of central bank operations.
In principle,
central banks have several policy options to reduce the shrinkage of
their balance sheets. Firstly, central banks could consider issuing
e-money themselves, or issuing e-money without actually operating e-money
schemes themselves thus to encourage competition and incentives to innovate.
Secondly, central banks could expand the coverage of reserve requirements
to cover e-money or other liabilities, and governments could grant the
central banks the exclusive right to own and operate the electronic
payments network. Thirdly, central banks could issue new liabilities,
such as central bank bills, or pay interest on reserve balances in order
to induce private banks to hold larger deposits at the central bank.
Government entities might also be induced to increase their deposits
at the central bank. Finally, as an alternative to these measures, central
banks might rely on off-balance-sheet transactions and, in the case
of large lender of last resort operations, use private banks as their
agents. Furthermore, governments could levy transactions taxes on the
use of e-money by charging a tax at the time of issue.
Who can be allowed
(or will be allowed) to issue e-money? There are several possible types
of issuer: banks (credit or deposit-taking institutions, defined differently
in different countries), other regulated non-bank financial institutions
and non-financial institutions. The latter two categories of institution
are typically subject to less regulatory oversight than banks. Different
countries adopt different opinions on this point. In the European
Union, the European Commission’s stated aim was on the one hand to ensure
the stability and soundness of issuers of e-money, while on the other
hand ensuring that the failure of one individual issuer does not materially
impact on the development of such a means of payment. The proposed framework
was thus tailored to the specific nature of e-money services, and to
some extent designed to encourage new players to enter the market. The
1994 Report of the European Monetary Institution (EMI) on EU Payment
Systems23 first concerned pre-paid cards such as Mondex
and Visa Cash, it concluded that e-money issuance should be restricted
only to credit institutions as defined by the First and Second Banking
Directives with the resultant effect of precluding non-banks. Its conclusions
were almost mirrored by the further opinion of the EMI Council on the
issuance of e-money published in its 1997 annual report,24
which also concerned software-based e-money systems. In the 1997 report,
it stated that: “The funds collected in exchange for electronic money
are redeemable by nature, and [such] issuers should be subject to minimum
requirements regardless of their status as credit institutions.?/FONT>25
The European
Commission published the Proposed Electronic Money Directive
in 1998. One of the most important parts of the proposal concerns the
plan to amend the definition of credit institution in the First Banking
Directive to allow non-banking institutions to issue e-money. Article
4 of the proposed directive sets down limits as to what investments
e-money issuers can make with the funds they hold in the “float? all
of which are all highly liquid ultra low risk rated. However, the European
Council Economic and Social Committee obviously took the view that it
was more important to protect consumers and maintain prudential standards,
than to open the market place to the largest number of participants
possible. In the United
States, it appears that under current state and federal laws, entities
other than depository institutions may issue e-money. On May 2, 1996,
the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve published proposed amendments
to modify Regulation E’s requirements on stored value cards.26
However, Congress, in an amendment to the 1997 appropriations bill,
directed the Federal Reserve to hold off regulating stored value cards
under Regulation E for at least nine months, while it studies the impact
regulation could have on development.27
And on August 2, 1996, the FDIC issued a legal opinion indicating that
most stored value cards do not qualify for deposit insurance.28
Hong Kong is
one of the jurisdictions around the world that has chosen to put in
place a specific legal framework to deal with the issuance of e-money.
This is contained in the Banking Ordinance. The thinking behind the
legislation was that the issuance of multi-purpose stored value cards
such as Mondex and Visa Cash is an activity akin to the taking of deposits
or the issuance of bank notes, and should be confined to licensed banks.
On the other hand, non-banks are allowed to issue limited purpose cards
which would have a distinct core use, such as payment for transport
services, but could also be used for a restricted range of ancillary
or incidental purposes. There is provision for the issuers of such cards
to be licensed as a special type of deposit-taking company under the
Banking Ordinance. If the range of non-core uses is very limited, it
can be exempted altogether. Most of other
governments do not generally allow anyone but governmental entities
to create money. While private entities are able to create and distribute
substitute money products such as traveller’s checks, generally, they
are viewed as special purpose instruments and are not used in the same
frequency, volume or scale as traditional money. As to the issuance
of e-money, it seems that no definitive decision has been reached. It seems it is
a controversial issue. It is difficult and premature to conclude that
which model is more appreciate to the development of e-money. In any
country, if issuance of e-money is limited to banks, the regulatory
framework already in place can be extended to cover the new products
but competition and innovation might be more limited. In contrast, if
a greater variety of institutions can be issuers, a greater degree of
competition could yield commensurate benefits but a number of regulatory
issues may be left unresolved. For regulators one key danger is a failure
to understand changing risk profiles and vulnerability of individual
firms and also changes to market structures and interactions. Regulators
must identify, assess, control and monitor the risks associated with
e-money. A key issue for central banks is the degree of risk that might
be acceptable. This would partly depend on the risk that it would be
appropriate for an individual institution to bear. Another consideration
would be whether the failure of one participant was likely to threaten
the viability of the whole scheme or whether the failure of one scheme
could threaten the viability of other schemes or the reputation of electronic
payment systems more generally. The speed of the Internet considerably
cuts the optimal response times for both banks and regulators to any
incident. Therefore, it
is not very important whether issuance of e-money should be limited
to banks, it is important that issuance of e-money should be regulated,
and issuers must have a comprehensive risk management process which
is subject to oversight by central bank. It is essential to regulate
not just who can issue e-money but also the types of e-money product
that can be offered. For example, restrictions might be placed on the
maximum value that consumers and retailers are allowed to hold or on
user-to-user transactions, or scheme operators might be required to
monitor transactions.
In addition,
some schemes might offer e-money in more than one currency, which might,
for example, make it more difficult for central banks to measure accurately
the stock of e-money denominated in the home currency. Many e-money
schemes are being developed on the basis of technology or procedures
developed in foreign countries by, for example, large international
payment card companies. A concern may be how the public authorities
can obtain detailed and precise information about the products or schemes
being promoted in their country by foreign vendors, and how they might
be able to influence individual schemes in the light of their particular
domestic concerns. Therefore, governments
should review the basic legal concepts that define banking and their
methods for preventing fraud and unlicensed banking activity. Moreover,
because electronic information that is transacted on the Internet shows
little respect for national borders, these issues likely will require
the coordinated attention of authorities in various countries. The Basel Committee
E-Banking Group believes that Basel should provide the international
supervisory community with a broad set of advisory guidance with respect
to e-banking, thereby providing a basis for domestic regulation and
supporting consumer and industry education.33
Globally, such guidance would assist international co-operation and
act as a foundation for a coherent approach to supervising e-banking
and e-money. It could facilitate international e-banking and e-money
by creating consumer confidence in sound banks based in different, possibly
less satisfactory, regimes and might dissuade host supervisors from
imposing additional, potentially draconian, regulation on such banks.
The Group identified authorisation, prudential standards, transparency,
privacy, money laundering, and cross border supervision as issues on
which they felt that there is need for further work, both at the analytical
and policy level before any such guidance could be developed.34
Regulatory authorities
also face a choice concerning the timing of the introduction of any
possible regulatory measures. On the one hand, establishing a comprehensive
regulatory framework at an early stage would risk stifling innovation.
Although Greenspan, the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of the
USA, recognized that in the current period of change and market uncertainty,
there may be a natural temptation for the regulators and a natural desire
on the part of some market participants, to have the government step
in and resolve the uncertainty, through standards, regulation, or other
government policies, he still stressed that as financial systems become
more complex, detailed rules and standards have become both burdensome
and ineffective, if not counterproductive. He argued that if we wished
to foster financial innovation, we must be careful not to impose rules
that inhibit it. To develop new forms of payment, the private sector
will need the flexibility to experiment, without broad interference
by the government. Hence, in the earlier period, industry participants
may find that self-policing is in their best interest. 36
However, on the
other hand, there may be a risk that the overall cost of regulation
will be significantly higher were there to be a substantial delay in
implementing measures that ultimately prove necessary, and existing
regulatory framework could somehow inhibit desirable innovations by
not adapting quickly enough. As Mr. Padoa Schioppa, of the Bank of Italy,
has said, “the road to define a new institutional model must be different
from the ones adapted in the past. At the beginning of this century,
an agreement on how to manage a monetary system based on currency and
deposits was only reached after a financial and monetary crisis. It
would be extremely dangerous to pass through a similar learning process
today, not least because payment systems in the industrialised world
would amplify the problems of any single market operator, diffusing
its effects to the whole economy?37
It is true that
the regulation and supervision of e-banking and e-money is still at
an early stage, like the product itself, and is still evolving. However,
governments should not therefore adopt a wait and see approach towards
legislating for it, which is especially true if you agree with the somewhat
extreme view of David Saxton who claims “Digital cash is a threat to
every government on this planet who wants to manage his own currency?/FONT>38
1 Davies Glyn, A history of money from modern times to the present day, 1996 2 M Stathopoulos, Modern Techniques for Financial Transactions and their Effects on Currency: General and National Reports, Kluwer Law International (1995) 1 at 3-11. 3 Geoffrey Turk, Money and Currency in the 21st Century, recited from Craig D Manson, Electronic Money And its Legal Implications Within The UK, available at http://www.electronic-money.co.uk/Diss2.htm 4 The Clearing House Interbank Payment Systems (CHIPS) is a private sector system owned and operated by the New York Clearing House Association, which is an online, real-time electronic payment system that transfers and settles transactions. See 2 Furash & Company, Banking's Role in Tomorrow's Payment System Overview 1, 29 (1994), at 3, 61-63. 5 The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) is a not-for-profit cooperative with headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. SWIFT is actually a financial messaging system rather than a payments system. The system facilitates interbank transfer of information but presupposes a separate system for effecting the payment. See id. at 2, 55-57. 6 Fedwire is a real time payments system operated by the Federal Reserve of the USA for financial institutions that have either reserve or clearing accounts at a Federal Reserve Bank. See id. at 2, 45-47. 7 Check truncation is a hybrid paper/wire transfer system that provides for the interruption of the transfer of the paper and the substitution for it by an electronic transfer. See id. at 13-16. 8 The ACH payment mechanism was established as an electronic alternative to the traditional paper based check collection system. Today it is used to conduct high volume repetitive transactions such as those involved in direct deposits, social security payments, and automatic bill-paying services. See id. 9 Thomas P. Vartanian, Key Question for Emerging Systems: Where is the Money?, Am. Banker, June 17, 1996, available in 1996 WL 5565107. 10 The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, The History of Money, available at http://woodrow.mpls.frb.fed.us/econed/curric/history.html (visited Oct. 8, 2000) 11 Randall W. Sifers, Regulating Electronic Money in Small-Value Payment Systems: Telecommunications Law as a Regulatory Model, available at http://www.taxi-l.org/emoney.htm (visited Oct. 18, 2000) 12 Draft Directive Article 1(3) 1.2(b) 13 Transcript of the Federal Reserve Board Consumer Advisory Council Meeting, Nov. 2, 1995 at 35. 14 Thomas P. Vartanian, The Future of Electronic Payments: Roadblocks and Emerging Practices, available at http://www.ffhsj.com/bancmail//bmarts/roadblck.htm 15 Mondex homepage http://www.mondex.com 16 VISA Cash homepage http://www.visa.com/pd/cash/main.html 17 DigiCash homepage http://www.digicash.com. Unfortunately the company collapsed in November 1999. 18 D Stewart, The Future of Digital Cash on the Internet, J.I.B.C. available at http://www.arraydev.com/commerce/JIBC/9703-02.htm 19 Loretta J. Mester, The Changing Nature of the Payments System: Should New Players Mean New Rules, Bus. Rev. (Fed. Res. Bank of Philadelphia), March/April 2000, at 3. See also Thomas P. Vartanian, Robert H. Ledig, & Lynn Bruneau, 21st Century Money, Banking & Commerce 286 (1998). 20 Kevin P. Sheehan, Electronic Cash, Banking Rev. (FDIC) 1 (Vol. II, No. 2 1998). 21 Thomas P. Vartanian, The Emerging Law of Cyberbanking: Dealing Effectively with the New World of Electronic Banking & Bank Card Innovations, available at http://www.ffhsj.com/bancmail/tpvcon.htm, recited from Jon Auerbach, Microsoft Now Seeks Friendly Footing with Nation's Big Banks, THE BOSTON GLOBE, Jan. 2, 1996, at 45. 22 Some argue that the money received by the issuer of an electronic purse is a bank deposit. It is indeed a claim which the card-holder (or account holder) has on a third party and which can be used to make cashless payments to a wide range of providers of goods and services. Such deposits contrast with deposits which are payments in advance for which the range of goods or services to be purchased is well defined and limited in scope. See Working Group on European Union Payments Systems, Report to the Council of the European Monetary Institute on Prepaid Cards 7 (1994). Recited from Randall W. Sifers, Regulating Electronic Money in Small-Value Payment Systems: Telecommunications Law as a Regulatory Model, available at http://www.taxi-l.org/emoney.htm. Some argue that non-account e-money actually constitutes a form of bond because e-money constitutes a promise that the electronic currency presented for payment, will be redeemed by the issuer, with the strength of such a promise depending on the reputation and financial situation of the issuer. See Hugh Piggot, Electronic Cash and Payment Systems: Digitising the Future. Recited from Craig D Manson, Electronic Money And its Legal Implications Within The UK, available at http://www.electronic-money.co.uk/Diss2.htm 23 Report to the Council of the European Monetary Institute on prepaid cards May 1994 24 Published May 1998, available at http://www.ecb.int/emi/pub/pdf/ar97/en_ar97.pdf. 25 Olivier Hance and Suzan Dionne Balz, The New Virtual Money: Law and Practice, 423 Kluwer Law 1999 26 61 Fed. Reg. 19,696 (1996). 27 Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act, 1997, Pub. L. No. 104-208, 2601, 1996 U.S.C.C.A.N. (110 Stat.) 1363. 28 Notice of FDIC General Counsel's Opinion No. 8, 61 Fed. Reg. 40,490 (1996). 29 Robert Hettinga, Internet Banking and Commerce: Security, available at http://www.arraydev.com/commerce/JIBC/9601-2.htm 30 Ibid. 31 Ibid. 32 1999/C 101/15 33 BIS Publications, Risk Management for Electronic Banking and Electronic Money Activities, March 1998, available at http://www.bis.org/publ/bcbs35.htm 34 Basel Committee on Banking Supervision published Electronic Banking Group Initiatives and White Papers in October 2000. 35 David Carse, The Regulatory Framework of E-banking, available at http://www.info.gov.hk/hkma/eng/speeches/speechs/david/speech_081099b.htm 36 Alan Greenspan, Regulating Electronic Money, available at http://cato.org/pubs/policy_report/cpr-19n2-1.html 37 Recited from Mauro Cipparone, The Role of the Central Bank in the Growing Industry of Internet Payments, available at http://www.arraydev.com/commerce/JIBC/9605-6.htm 38 See Kelly Holland and Amy Cortese, The Future of Money, Business Week, June 1995 at 66 (quoting David Saxton, Executive Vice President of Netl, an electronic check communications company) |
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